85% Off DIABETES SELF MANAGEMENT MAGAZINE $3.49 for 1 Year Regular $24

Check out the Deal of the Day offer for April 04, 2019! Subscribe for one year for just $3.49 – a retail value of $24. That means a savings of $20.41 (85%). A magazine for self-care tips for diabetic patients. While preparing the tasty but diabetes-friendly recipes is a big pain area for them, this magazine shares delicious recipes that you are sure to love. Besides the editorial team keeps a sharp eye on the latest medical breakthroughs in this regard. Therefore, be sure to stay inform on anything – from meters to medicines, from preparing meals to preventing complications, Diabetes Self Management covers everything you need to know to lead a healthy and happy lifestyle keeping the disease under control.
$3.49 for One Year

May I reiterate a one year subscription would cost you $24 regularly. But thanks to BDM (Best Deal Magazine) that they have slashed down the price to just $3.49 for 1 year! Offer is valid only on April 4, 2019. So, Order now. Further, what more enticing is that you can save additional 15%off with our coupon code 15SS0226. Just use the code at checkout form.


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