Amazon Used Textbooks – Get up to 80% Back or Save up to 90% Off

Save up to 90% off used textbooks at Amazon. Plus, as the kids move to the higher grades, books of lower grades literally are something difficult to store. So, here goes your catch. You can sell used textbooks to get up to 80% back on Amazon. To save on your shipping bills, try out 6 month Free enrolment for StudentPrime programme and enjoy Two-Day Shipping on college essentials including textbooks. You may also go on for rentals program. Amazon has awesome interface to help you find the most sought-after book like a charm. In the rental program, there are chances to get used books but those are likely to be in usable condition. If you are not satisfied, you can return it within 30 days.
How it works
For example, we searched for a book entitled “Applied Physics”, and found over 30,000 matching results. You must be more specific in entering the title of the book, or, better to search against ISBN no. to get the accurate result. But savings are guaranteed to work like a charm!

Applied Physics (11th Edition)

Jan 17, 2016 by Dale Ewen and Neill Schurter Hardcover $26.61 to rent and $196.17 to buy! So, this explains the different in pricing option. So we suggest you to buy books which are essential. Otherwise, try out for rentals or check if used books are available.


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